Problemas con el envio de las invitaciones

Parece ser que hay problemas con el envio de las invitaciones, tardan mucho en llegar y algunas no llegan, de hecho nos hemos puesto en contacto con ellos y nos lo han confirmado.

Os pego el mail que nos han mandado:

Hey there,

Thanks for contacting us.

Over the past few days our email server inundated with invites being sent.We've still trying to clear the backlog, meaning that depending upon how manyinvites are being sent at any one time, it may anywhere between a few hours to24 hours for the invite to be received.

If you have already sent the invite and it has not been received by theexpected recipient, you can always click the 'RESEND' button below their emailaddress on your Connect page.

Thanks for being a loyal and great Lockerz member.

Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA

Los que hayais solicitado invitaciones y no os hayan llegado, volverlas a pedir y os las reenviaremos

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